SKÖRDA was birthed in 2016 out of a love and reverence for our home - our Mother Earth and in honour of my father’s lineage. SKÖRDA means ‘to harvest’ in Swedish, and I honour this symbiotic relationship we have with the Earth and all her beauty.

SKÖRDA is an invitation to explore authentic connection to your true nature, where the relationship with Earth impacts our health on every level. I believe that to cultivate this relationship with our own true nature, we need to return to our roots and live in resonance with the natural earth. 

As part of a collective planetary momentum moving towards a more conscious way of being, these SKÖRDA products support the energy of the natural earth returning to your being, home and lifestyle.  Ingredients are sourced consciously and each product is created and blended with love. I create essential oil blends, mists, body oils, scrubs and offer crystals, sage and more. Each of these items can be used in ritual and as a reminder of our true essence.

In acknowledgement of my ancestral Swedish roots, SKÖRDA means 'to harvest’. With deep gratitude and wonder of the symbiotic nature of us and Earth who nourishes us and gives so generously and plentifully of her sacred foods, medicines and beauty. May we learn to honour and respect all life through our ways of being.