What is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology is a gentle, effective & holistic natural therapy that allows for communication with the subconscious and unconscious aspects of our being. In Kinesiology we use a biofeedback technique called muscle monitoring which involves communicating through nerve pathways directly with the Central Nervous System and our innate wisdom.

In listening to the voice of our innate wisdom, we can identify and clear the blocks, traumas, imbalances and stresses that hinder us.

Kinesiology allows for the awareness, transformation and activation of self-healing to return to a state of balance and health, moving towards vitality on all levels. By working directly with the subconscious and unconscious realms we can address the root of our issues rather than the symptoms and rewire the neurological patterning of our brains and body responses so we can expand our perspective in how we approach the challenges of life. In order to bring the body back into a state of balance we simply follow what the innate wisdom of the body guides us toward through the muscle monitoring technique.

Through Kinesiology we can address a wide range of issues such as;

Emotion- stress, trauma, anxiety, depression, relationship issues, self-worth

Health - digestive issues, immune function, skin issues, chronic illness, auto-immune

Neurology - brain function, addictive behaviours, memory, survival responses (fight/flight)

Subtle Energy - subtle body support & activation, chakra balancing, energy attachment clearing

Learning - motivation, goal setting + achievement, cognition, retained primitive reflexes

Nutrition - dietary deficiencies, mineral + vitamin absorption, supplement testing

Structure - back, neck & joint pain, muscles, injuries, structural alignment

Cellular - releasing programming + cellular memory, DNA activation

Some techniques we use to assist the body to activate self-healing are;

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine healing techniques (acupressure, Law of Five Element Theory, meridians etc)

  • Consciousness Mapping and Holograms

  • cranio sacral techniques

  • dietary & nutritional support

  • organ, gland and cellular physiological pathway support

  • neurological support and brain circuity formatting

  • structural / manual corrections

  • Vibrational support through sound healing, plant essences + more

  • energetic release techniques

  • Theta Healing, massage techniques, breath work, visualisation

Our bodies hold the blueprint for optimal health & vitality.

By allowing the voice of our innate wisdom to guide and heal us, we can experience greater freedom and empowerment to create.