
My passion through the modality of kinesiology is to support the positive change I want to see in individuals and in our community.

There are many things in this world that have made me shake my head in disbelief and angered me to my core. The disparity of life, unnecessary suffering, poverty, pain, waste and trauma based internal systems we live in and operate from are what I can refer to at the surface. I believe it is important to acknowledge the reality of we experience so that can come together to make change toward a reality that is grounded in freedom, balance, harmony and respect toward all living beings.

We, as humanity have so much potential that we are now learning to attune to and open, and I believe we have everything we need to really bring in the Heaven on Earth we want to see, in our own individual lives, in our communities and on the planet. It may take some unravelling, some letting go, some aligning, some work, courage, diligence, support and commitment but it is absolutely there for us to move towards, if we choose.

How we relate to ourselves, to each other, to the earth has the potential to transform in ways unimaginable to me yet, and I believe it all starts within. True freedom is an inside job, and it’s not something we compromise, it is a birthright that we are again claiming as a collective... and it starts with each individual.

THIS is why I love kinesiology and all life-enhancing choices, practises and support, all that reminds us of our true peaceful nature and immense creative potential.

We don’t need more of the same of all that has been in the past... in my opinion, it’s not really working for us. I feel there is a necessity to embrace our own uniqueness, listen to our own innate wisdom, evolve our relationship with ourselves, to address our traumas and wounds, remember the Light that we already are, free up our energy and mental space so we can live life in a way that is joyful, purposeful, liberated & feels aligned to each of us.

On Kinesiology

My kinesiology offering is just one branch of my Heart’s service to support individuals in creating a life that is preferable to them. So they can embody and express themselves with more ease, health and freedom. Wherever you are in your journey, my service is to support you to move in alignment with your most liberated life experience.

We are moving through intense, purifying and highly transformative times as humanity and we each have the capacity to transform the limitations, doubts and illusions so we can heal our bodies at the root cause, listen to the higher wisdom within and embody Heaven on Earth (whatever that means to us uniquely). Kinesiology works on surfacing the unconscious and subconscious levels of our being. This means we can re-wire our energetic circuity and resolve these deep-held traumas, experiences and the colonisation of our bodies and minds that are passed down inter-generationally and present in our current culture.

My background…

Since I was young, I’ve always held a deep curiosity in understanding the human mind, body and behaviour and a strong desire to help others. I’ve been grateful to experience many opportunities to learn, such as teaching English in Morocco and Peru, consulting in the mining industry, completing a double bachelor degree in Psychology and Human Resources, running a business in essential oils (SKÖRDA), holding workshops and market stalls, travelling through the South America, Africa, Europe and many other lands, being a yogi for 15 years, studying naturopathy and more.

All of these experiences have allowed for a personal process of refinement, for me to know more about myself, what I love and what I value; natural health, understanding the body + mind and it’s many intelligent systems, our quantum reality, the medicine of the plants and animals, the Earth, our natural symbiosis with her, how to grow food and work with her elements practically.

My journey in receiving and giving kinesiology has been one of the biggest catalysts of transformation in my journey, and to share this with you is an honour. We are all now re-membering our divine origins and through the power of self-awareness and choice we can vibrationally align to this truth of our own powerfully creative energy.

Love Samantha



Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psychology) BBSc - QUT

Bachelor of Business, Human Resource Management - QUT

Trauma-Informed Practitioner Certification

Theta Healing 1 Practitioner Certification

Pellowah 2 Practitioner Certification

Diploma of Kinesiology HLT52415

Reiki 2 Practitioner Certification

Access Bars Certification

AromaTouch Certification

Feng Shui Certification

First Aid Certification

A Prayer…

May I be a vessel of Divine Love, a branch of the Sacred Heart. May I embody, emanate and express my True Divine Nature and the Sacred Earth Heart into our community.

May you grow in grace, held in the vibrations of Joy, Love, Peace and Freedom. May you thrive as you create and journey your most soul-aligned, purposeful and liberated path forward.

May the devotion to life itself and our True Nature expand. May we witness our sisters and brothers live in liberation, with a deep reverence for the Earth and our allies. May I be of the highest loving service to you, in honour of your Sovereignty and Divine path forward. May all energies that are ready, be transformed into the highest frequencies of light.

She who Breathes the Heart of the Earth